Everybody wannna to be a famous,but I don't want be famous I just want be remembered.-A

Frome: Musicofthenineties.com


I realize that every generation loves the decade they grew up in. Each generation feels, in later years, that their decade was the golden era for whichever music they were attached to.

That being said, I think the 90s represents the last of the golden eras for many music genres. Honestly, I pretty much hate the 2000s and the 2010s when it comes to music. Now, not all of the music released today sucks but that’s not saying much.

Take rap for example: In the 90s we had 2Pac, Notorious BIG, Wu-Tang, Big Pun, Dr. Dre, Tribe Called Quest, etc. as the hottest artists. In the 2000s, we got Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Nelly, and a host of other rappers. Pretty obvious what decade takes the cake for rap. But I guess I can’t hate too much…music is music and we’re all entitled to our tastes.